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Love & Relationships

Videos from Michele and experts including Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra exploring, healing and transforming your love life.

  • Why Soulmates Detach

    Why Soulmates Detach

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  • Deepak Chopra – How To Attract Your Soulmate?

    Deepak Chopra – How To Attract Your Soulmate?

    The secret to attracting a profound lover or soul mate into your life, with Deepak Chopra.

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  • Soul Mate and Relationship Problems

    Soul Mate and Relationship Problems

    MIchele talks about how to resolve relationship and love issues

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  • How to let go of someone you love – Abraham Hicks

    How to let go of someone you love – Abraham Hicks

    It can feel impossible to let go of someone we feel is a Soul Mate. How ...

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  • Greg Bradden 7 Mysteries of relationships

    Greg Bradden 7 Mysteries of relationships

    Greg talks about the ancient Essene who developed a fabulous spiritual system to help heal and ...

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  • Self Love As True Empowement

    Self Love As True Empowement

    We are reality producing machines! Every human lives in creation which is growth and expansion, love, ...

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  • Abraham Hicks – All About Soul Mates

    Abraham Hicks – All About Soul Mates

    Do soul mates exist? Is there more than one soul mate? What do soul mates teach ...

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  • Byron Katie on releasing thoughts

    Byron Katie on releasing thoughts

    Founder of The Work Byron Katie talks about how to release thoughts and when and why ...

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  • Marianne Williamson – the beginning of A Return to Love

    Marianne Williamson – the beginning of A Return to Love

    Spiritual guru Marianne Williamson reads the start of her book Return to Love. In this ...

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  • Wayne Dyer – Inspiration – your ultimate calling

    Wayne Dyer – Inspiration – your ultimate calling

    I believe that you are a unique soul. There is no one else in this ...

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  • The Secret on Oprah – part four

    The Secret on Oprah – part four

    Can a change in our focus create a change in our relationships? I believe it ...

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  • The Secret on Oprah – part three

    The Secret on Oprah – part three

    Given that we're all going through the same tough economic climate, what can The Secret - ...

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  • The Secret on Oprah – part two

    The Secret on Oprah – part two

    Nothing new can come into your life unless you are grateful for what you already have. ...

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  • The Secret on Oprah – part one

    The Secret on Oprah – part one

    Part one of four parts in which Oprah and guests talk about The Secret. If ...

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  • Always with you – presenter Gloria Hunniford talks about her book

    Always with you – presenter Gloria Hunniford talks about her book

    TV presenter Gloria Hunniford talks about her book, Always with You, in which she talks about ...

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  • Soul Mate and Relationship Problems

    Soul Mate and Relationship Problems

    MIchele talks about how to resolve relationship and love issues

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  • Deepak Chopra – Conquering the shadow

    Deepak Chopra – Conquering the shadow

    Deepak Chopra talks about projection, when we take something that we don't acknowledge as being ours ...

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  • Being Present In Relationships – Eckart Tolle

    Being Present In Relationships – Eckart Tolle

    Spiritual author Eckart Tolle talks about the importance of being present in our relationships. We ...

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  • The power of forgiving – Caroline Myss

    The power of forgiving – Caroline Myss

    Spiritual author and medical intuitive Caroline Myss tells an extraordinary story of forgiveness. If you ...

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  • Love and non duality – Jeff Foster

    Love and non duality – Jeff Foster

    Non duality simply means stepping beyond the idea that we are all separate to embracing the ...

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  • He should be more understanding

    He should be more understanding

    Byron Katie, who devised The Work, helps a woman who thinks her husband should be more ...

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  • The Power Of Vulnerability

    The Power Of Vulnerability

    Brene Brown talks about her research that revealed two important things. Firstly, that there is ...

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  • Transform your Love Life Now!

    Transform your Love Life Now!

    Michele Knight psychic gives some tips on transforming your life and relationships. Change your relationship patterns once ...

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  • Soulmate Problems Part 1

    Soulmate Problems Part 1

    Are you having problems in your relationship? Michele explains the difference between a soul mate ...

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  • Soulmate Problems Part 2

    Soulmate Problems Part 2

    Are you locked into a relationship that isn't actually bringing you happiness? Continuing her soul ...

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  • Why Soulmates Detach

    Why Soulmates Detach

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  • Soul Mate and Relationship Problems

    Soul Mate and Relationship Problems

    MIchele talks about how to resolve relationship and love issues

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  • Transforming Relationships Now

    Transforming Relationships Now

    Do you feel that someone is being negative toward you? You can transform any relationship in ...

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  • Soulmate Problems Part 1

    Soulmate Problems Part 1

    Are you having problems in your relationship? Michele explains the difference between a soul mate ...

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  • Soulmate Problems Part 2

    Soulmate Problems Part 2

    Are you locked into a relationship that isn't actually bringing you happiness? Continuing her soul ...

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