Michele Knight Psychic Rosemary

I was so excited when I found her! She is a stunning psychic who will blow you away. She is an Aries like me so gives it to you straight. She is honest and direct. I highly recommend her! Give me your feedback!

Here are just two of the testimonials you can see if you visit her profile page:

“I have used your readers many times and they have helped me through some tough emotional times. I am pleased to say that I have begun to really see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today I had a reading with Rosemary and I was amazed at what she picked up and how easy she was to talk to. I have been determined to move to start a new life and she confirmed what my intuition was telling me about my future. She also predicted a dark haired man who could be ‘the one’ for me. I’m meeting someone who has dark hair soon – she even got his career right. Thank you so much Rosemary for a fab reading!” Diane

“I had a reading with Rosemary and immediatley felt calmer just by speaking to her. What a lovely soothing voice. The information just kept coming from her with no prompting from me. She picked up on a house move that I am hoping for and the fact I had just started learning something new, I started college last week! But the cherry on the cake for me was when she asked if I had an amazingly close bond with a grandparent because it would never be broken. My grandad was like a father to me. It was lovely to hear. I feel very relaxed and happy, what an angel.” Rebecca