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Soul & Spirituality

Delve into subjects including reincarnation and past lives and explore the world’s great spiritual traditions, from Shamanism to Buddhism.

  • Twin Flames and Soul Mates (Do they Exist?)

    Twin Flames and Soul Mates (Do they Exist?)

    How to recognize your twin flame, and even more importantly, how to attract them into your ...

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  • Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation

    Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation

    Director at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment) since 1969, John Van Auken discussed ...

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  • Alan Watts – You Are Who You Keep Seeking

    Alan Watts – You Are Who You Keep Seeking

    Alan Wilson Watts was a British-born American philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter ...

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  • Alan Watts – The Spiritual Journey As The Self

    Alan Watts – The Spiritual Journey As The Self

    Alan Wilson Watts was a British-born American philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter ...

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  • Jim Carrey’s Secret of Life – Inspiring Message

    Jim Carrey’s Secret of Life – Inspiring Message

    Lessons From Jim Carrey's Journey of Life shared in his inspiring speech

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  • Deepak Chopra: Gratitude

    Deepak Chopra: Gratitude

    Gratitude Meditation - with Deepak Chopra

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  • Eckhart Tolle: Wisdom in Daily Life

    Eckhart Tolle: Wisdom in Daily Life

    Eckhart speaks about practicing the use of wisdom with no thought in daily life.

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  • OSHO: Behave as if You Are the First Here

    OSHO: Behave as if You Are the First Here

    What would it be like if we would lived our lives without listening to all these ...

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  • The difference between magic and miracles.

    The difference between magic and miracles.

    Marianne Williamson explains why we fear our light more than our darkness and how everyone has ...

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  • Astral Projection with Spirit Science

    Astral Projection with Spirit Science

    Another great video from Spirit Science about astral projection and life after death.

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  • Chief Seattle’s Response.

    Chief Seattle’s Response.

    Chief Seattle Speech (1851 Response) How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the ...

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  • Stunning Meditation Video Featuring Whale and Dolphin Songs

    Stunning Meditation Video Featuring Whale and Dolphin Songs

    This stunning video uses the healing sounds of dolphins and whales set to beautiful music and ...

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  • Adopt the habits of happiness

    Adopt the habits of happiness

    Another Ted Talk in which Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard reveals the habits of happiness. We ...

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  • Shamanic physics with Jeffrey Mishlove and Fred Alan Wolf

    Shamanic physics with Jeffrey Mishlove and Fred Alan Wolf

    Jeffrey Mishlove interviews author Fred Alan Wolf about physics, shamanism and Kabbalah. Many magical and ...

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  • Michele Knight – thoughts create your reality

    Michele Knight – thoughts create your reality

    Every thought we have sends out a calling signal to the universe. You might know ...

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  • Wayne Dyer – No More Blame

    Wayne Dyer – No More Blame

    Wayne Dyer talks about the importance of ridding ourselves of any thoughts of harm that we ...

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  • Debbie Ford – Honesty with self

    Debbie Ford – Honesty with self

    Spiritual author Debbie Ford talks about the importance of honesty. We might all strive to ...

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  • The Compassionate mind – Dalai Lama

    The Compassionate mind – Dalai Lama

    His holiness the Dalai Lama talks about the emotions that stand in the way of us ...

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  • Krishnamurti – The Real Revolution – Part 1 of 2

    Krishnamurti – The Real Revolution – Part 1 of 2

    Spiritual guru Krishnamurti talks about what revolution means and what it involves. This is rare ...

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  • Caroline Myss – Soul service

    Caroline Myss – Soul service

    Caroline Myss talks about moving beyond service through power and ego towards soul service, when we ...

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  • You are not your patterns

    You are not your patterns

    We all fall into patterns of all kinds. Anything that you do on a regular basis ...

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  • Native American 10 commandments

    Native American 10 commandments

    ‘All life is sacred. Treat all beings with respect’ and ‘Take from the earth what’s ...

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  • Shamanism with Dr. Zoe Bran

    Shamanism with Dr. Zoe Bran

    Dr Zoe Bran talks about Shamanism - the world's oldest spiritual practice. Dr. Bran ...

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  • Michele Knight – thoughts create your reality

    Michele Knight – thoughts create your reality

    Every thought we have sends out a calling signal to the universe. You might know ...

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  • An Urgent Message

    An Urgent Message

    Inspired in part by what happened following the 2011 riots across the UK, Michele asks us ...

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  • Soul Boost – You are precious!

    Soul Boost – You are precious!

    Do you think of yourself as being an ugly duckling or a lava rather than a ...

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  • Soul Boost – There is only love or fear

    Soul Boost – There is only love or fear

    A Course in Miracles tells us that in the universe, there is only love and fear. ...

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  • You are not your patterns

    You are not your patterns

    We all fall into patterns of all kinds. Anything that you do on a regular basis ...

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  • Spiritual Transformation: 21st Century Shaman

    Spiritual Transformation: 21st Century Shaman

    Taking inspiration from nature, Michele Knight talks about how we are all butterflies but how we ...

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