Michele Knight Psychic Lynn

When Michele first tested psychic reader Lynn she was so blown away by the level of detail that Lynn came out with that she insisted that Lynn take four more tests just to make sure! Lynn flew through the other tests and joined the team. Along with her psychic ability, Lynn uses ribbons to deliver her psychic readings, which is a highly unusual method.

Here are just two of the numerous testimonials you can see if you visit Lynn’s profile page.

“I have just had my 1st ever reading with Lynn 2137 and I have to say WOW she was fantastic! She was so warm, friendly and caring. Thank you for a brilliant reading Lynn you are truly gifted and have lifted my spirits again.”

“I just had an amazing reading with Lynn. Her ribbons were extraordinary but above and beyond that, I felt a shiver go up my spine, and a sense of opening out in the heart chakra. She is an extra ordinary woman. I so deeply needed guidance to day, guidance of a higher nature. She tuned into my issue immediately, read deep into my soul. I am still buzzing, and feel profoundly moved still be her life changing words. It was a rare reading, one of the ones you remember all your life. Thank you for being on this planet Lynn. And from my heart God bless you for your help today. I came to the reading with a heavy heart, I left it inspired! Your prayers and thoughts accompany me even now.” Jacqueline