Michele Knight Psychic Raven
Michele Knight introduces psychic reader Raven. Michele first noticed Raven because of the rave reviews she was getting for the psychic readings she was giving in the chat room of Michele’s free on line spiritual community, Psychic Knight. In Michele’s own words, the test reading Raven gave knocked Michele’s socks off. Michele also loved her straight talking style and thought she was a gem. Raven joined Michele’s team of readers, and here are just two of the testimonials you can see if you visit Raven’s profile:
“I have had 2 readings with her recently. In the second reading I’d asked about work and she identified 3 buildings that stood in a triangle near to each other where she saw me working. At the time I couldn’t identify them, but I have recently been invited to an interview, totally out of the blue, by the manager of a building complex in the city centre, that consists of 3 buildings sited in a triangle shape to work with people that Raven also was able to identify.” Gina
“…Raven also picked up on a love situation with a man that is around me -she picked up that I was wearing a red top with red lipstick and that I was having a meeting with this man and he was thoroughly distracted by seeing me in red. He later told me the red cardigan I wore made it hard to focus his thoughts as he thought I looked so good in it!” Ash
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